Tips and tricks on how to land the best template for a resume

The hiring managers for jobs use the template of the resume of applicants to know their capability and suitability for the job that they have applied for. There are millions of applicants online chasing the few job placements that are available on offer online. If you wanted to have the edge over others; then the template of your resume should shine forth!

There are commonly used resume styles that you can access online. But you can create something unique by having different templates that will fit into particular jobs. If you can come up with a special template costume made for a particular job; you are going to have the edge over other candidates that are using a general template.


What you are about reading are tips that will be of help in giving candidates special status in the search for the job that is dear to them. With a costume template for the job; it will be easy for your application to fly to the top of the pile of applications.

  1. Keywords related to the job

The objective of beating others to the game can only be achieved when you invest time and energy into knowing some specific details on the job you plan to apply for. Study the keywords for the job description and make it part of your application. When you have gotten the keywords; you can now include such in the template of your resume. It will make your application stand out. The hiring manager will have an impression that you are a round peg in a round hole even before your first minute on the job!

  1. Three takeaways for resume examples for your industry

When you take a look at examples of resumes that in your industry to create a template that will make you stand out; there are three principal things that you must consider to achieve the results that mattered in your hunt for the best job. They are:

  • Make it simple and pretty easy to read.
  • It must be brief. The only thing that is of interest to the hiring manager is your job experience. 
  • Include numbers in the experience section of your resume template.
  1. The font size

Your resume should be clear and legible. When you present such; it will be easy for the hiring manager to take a look at your professional competencies. The ideal font size must between 10 and 12. Do not allow too many blanks because it will constitute an avoidable red flag to your resume.

  1. Information

It should be stated here that what the hiring manager wants to know is your on the job experience. All other personal details aside from your name (for recognition) are not required. It is all about your professional competence. The information included should be on your professional capability alone.

  1. Language

Another factor that should be considered is the language that you are going to use in your resume. The use of active language will give you the edge over your competitors. You are expected to use power words such as “earned,” “completed” or “accomplished.”

  1. Highlight your important achievements

Do not include your achievements that are relevant under the experience section of the template. You are going to do better when you select three or four credible achievements that you have made in the industry and highlight such.

  1. Subsections and headings

The inclusion of only the sections that you need will add color to your resume template. When you go through some of the resumes online, it is important to do away with sections that will not be needed at the end of the day.

  1. The margin

Make sure you choose an appropriate margin that will be ideal for the template of the resume that you have in mind. If you wanted to increase your margin because you wanted to fill up the resume; such increment should be below two inches.

It is best to align your content to the left. This will make it skimmable.

  1. Your Email and contact information

It is important to make use of a professional Email address that is active and can be used to contact you. In the same way, it is expected of every applicant to ensure that their contact info is up to date.

  1. Bold caps and italics

The application that will beat the rest to the game must be able to exploit bold caps and italics to the full. You have to show consistency all through. If a sun-heading bold; then all other sub-headings must be in bold.

  1. Your URL

If you are having any of such; then go ahead and include it in the template of your resume. When you include this and other social media platforms in the template of your CV; it will confer legit on your resume.


What you are going to get that will be of help towards creating an award-winning template for your resume has been covered extensively above. All that you needed is to key into the steps described above and will surely come up with something that will give you the edge amid any competition.