What is the Key to Writing an Effective Proposal in Response to an RFP?

You need to write a good proposal to get shortlisted. Here are 4 key things to help you write an effective proposal in response to an RFP.

After receiving or seeing an RFP, you need to see this as an opportunity to do business with the issuer of the RFP. Therefore, you need to be very smart of your response to increase your chances of getting shortlisted. What is the key to writing an effective proposal in response to an RFP? To help you learn the secrets, here are 4 key things you need to know.

Prove you understand their challenge

Many vendors or service providers lose organizations or businesses when they write proposals that don’t relate to the challenges the organizations or businesses want addressed. In your proposal, you need to show the organization you clearly understand their challenges. Therefore, in your organization information, you need to include relevant information to the project’s scope. Also, you can restate their objectives and give solutions focusing on how you will address the organization’s needs. You need to note that, the more you speak directly to their challenges or needs, the higher your chances of winning the project.

Prove you are qualified


What is an RFP?

It’s a document written by organizations and issued to suppliers or providers requesting them to write proposals on how they can deliver a product or service needed by the issuer(organization). Therefore, you need to show the issuer that you are the best fit for the project. Therefore, before you write a response to an RFP, you need to make sure you find out why the organization is issuing the RFP. It will be either; the organization is growing or their last provider failed to address their needs. Therefore, on your response make sure you include information About Us that clearly shows you the right provider for the project. You can even include your past successful projects related to this one, that will give you an advantage over your competitors.

  • Let them Know what to expect

In your proposal, make sure you let the organization know what to expect when they partner with you. In your project implementation plan, have clear details of how you are going to go about the project, including the whole schedule. More to that, you need to include details of how you will manage the contract ranging from supervision, communication to quality assurance. Don’t forget to include, project staffing as well as risks or potential problems.

  • Make the response skimmable

Most evaluators of proposals are very busy and don’t have all the time to spend on proposals. Therefore, you should make your response easy to read and easy skim. Your response should have headings, subheadings, bullets, call-outs and highlighted text to make it easy to skim.

Final Words

If you want to increase your chances of getting awarded the project, you need to be very smart when writing a response to the RFP. You need to show the organization that you are the right provider, and working with you will help them address their business needs. Use the above tips, and you will increase your chances of getting shortlisted for the project.

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